
Over the years, Fresh Accounting has collaborated with many exciting and dynamic businesses across Asia by helping design, implement and execute digital strategies to move to cloud-based project management solutions. As Projectworks partners, we place Projectworks at the heart of our implementation projects.

Your Trusted Projectworks Partner

Projectworks is a cloud-based business management platform designed to help professional and creative services businesses manage their organizations efficiently and effortlessly. Core features include resourcing, forecasting, invoicing, timesheets, leave, expenses, project management, budget burn and reporting, and Offers functions designed for project, financial, and workforce management.

What can Projectworks do for you, and who is it for?

Projectworks is a cloud-based business management software designed to help businesses manage the entire project lifecycle from initiation to planning, execution and monitoring of performance. HR managers can track employees and contractors using timesheets, handle time-off requests, view leave balances and define and display objectives on a unified portal.

Projectworks enable users to submit expense claims for projects or clients, track costs, revenue and forecasts, and compare budgets and invoices to ensure timely completion. It offers a variety of features, including payroll management, custom workflows, resource allocation, timecodes, interactive dashboard and more.

Additionally, administrators can add custom fields and configure the portal to meet project requirements and gain insights into status, employee performance and goals via reports.

Projectworks supports integration with various third-party applications, including Xero, as well more via APIs. Pricing details are available on request, and support is extended via email, FAQs and other online measures.

Putting the right resources on the right projects is crucial to any services organization. Leverage a best-in-class platform for planning capacity to reduce bench time and create better customer outcomes.

Professional services firms with more than ten employees benefit from Projectworks. Architecture, engineering, consulting, software development – anyone who works with billable hours is a great fit.

Project management made easy

As a certified Projectworks partner, we can take your current data and systems, including leads, quotes, and jobs and set these up in Projectworks. From the initial lead through to the final invoice, Projectworks can be tailored to your specific needs.

With the benefit of connecting to other ecosystem solutions and add-ons, including Xero, Projectworks becomes an affordable end-to-end business management tool to support your workflow requirements and helps to improve efficiency by providing you with up-to-the-minute reporting, enabling you to make far better business decisions.

Why use a Certified Projectworks Advisor?
It may be tempting to implement projectworks in-house. However, with all cloud-based software, there can be a significant learning curve. At Fresh, we do understand the best way of configuring and implementing the technology requires time, experience, and patience.

Working with a Projectworks partner ensures you benefit from our experience and technical competence with a strong track record of using and implementing Projectworks, providing a smooth and efficient implementation and minimizing disruption to your business.

Working with a certified Projectworks partner helps remove the time and frustration of implementing a new system. This will also ensure you are utilizing the system to its full potential.

Projectworks services

  • Projectworks discovery consultation

    Through our discovery consultation or workshop, Fresh can help businesses integrate Projectworks to ensure that you enjoy and benefit from a simplified project management process.

    Integration with Xero delivers immediate results from the moment your applications are connected and will immediately save time. You will see the improvements they make to your business.

    We can help you customise your user experience by integrating with other online solutions, which provide more efficient ways to handle manual tasks.

  • Projectworks workshop

    After the discovery call and depending on the needs and complexity of your business, Fresh Accounting can provide a workshop, which varies from one hour to half-day.

    We invest time to gauge your needs, pain points, and wish lists. By listening to and understanding your pains, we can ensure that Projectworks is the right solution for the problems and issues we identify with you.

    A Projectworks workshop provides us with a better understanding of your business, its current systems, and processes, and what is required for us to design an implementation plan.

    With our professional consultancy and project management service, we can help your company transform and scale up in the digital era.

  • Projectworks implementation

    Fresh has unparalleled experience and deep knowledge of optimising Projectworks to meet your business needs. We set up your Projectworks file to perfectly fit your organisation and help meet your business goals.

    The aim is to minimise your time and stress and give you clarity and control over your project management. This step typically takes around four to eight weeks from when we receive your information.

    We provide a tailor-made implementation process by customising the specific features to your business. Our Projectworks implementation process will ensure you have a seamless experience using Projectworks.

  • Projectworks integration

    Through our discovery consultation or workshop, Fresh can help businesses integrate Projectworks add-ons and ecosystem solutions to ensure that you enjoy and benefit from a simplified accounting process.

    With Projectworks and its API, it integrates numerous add-ons and ecosystem applications, including Xero. We help you find the best applications to manage different parts of your business and generate more synergy.

    Integration with Projectworks delivers immediate results from when your applications are connected and will immediately save time. You will see the improvements they make to your business.

    We can help you customise your user experience by integrating with other online solutions, which provide more efficient ways to handle manual tasks.

  • Projectworks optimisation

    Some businesses may already be using Projectworks. Fresh can provide a health check or review to see how you use the system.

    Fresh can undertake a one-off review to ensure that you use Projectworks efficiently. By ensuring Projectworks is fully optimised and meets accounting standards, you can receive accurate and timely management accounting information, helping you make more informed decisions.

    Our optimisation service will help your team through the change of management process and show you how to take advantage of all the Projectworks project and project management features.

    Let Fresh help you take advantage of our expertise to streamline your processes.

  • Projectworks training

    Fresh can provide Projectworks training sessions. We can show you how to make the most of Projectwork’s relevant tools and features to support your business.

    You will learn how to use Projectworks, and its project management features. Training with the Fresh team allows you to be familiar with using Projectworks in your business operations.

    We help simplify the use of Projectworks through our training and can provide training in various formats, including open workshops and conference sessions, customised to suit your needs.

    As one of the early Projectworks partners, we have been early adopters of Projectworks, so we know the intricacies of the application.

    Fresh can help get your team to competency quickly in this cloud-based project management software by adding our comprehensive product knowledge to your implementation project.

    Training is tailored specifically to your business and the needs of your team.

  • Projectworks data migration

    Fresh can take care of data migration for you. In an ideal world, we recommend setting up Projectworks ahead of your new financial year. However, for some businesses, this may not be practical.

    We will transfer data from your existing system (including other software, Excel and Google Sheets) into Projectworks.

    And we can do this seamlessly in the background, so you and your team can get on with business uninterrupted.

    As you approach your new financial year, we will have data already in Projectworks to compare and see your business grow all in Projectworks.

  • Projectworks technical support

    Fresh provides ongoing support, advice, and training as needed. Your business growth can go hand in hand with our technical support to ensure you continue to use Projectworks smoothly and efficiently.

    We can provide onsite and remote technical support to ensure you do not run into any issues.

    Projectworks technical support is optional after implementation, integration, and training.

Learn More About Projectworks

Speak with a Projectworks Partner!

Say goodbye to paperwork, complex spreadsheets, time-consuming administrative jobs, and many other painful and tasks when running a business.

The critical part of this process is to understand what you do and what you want to do – from that, we will help you to save time and increase profits.

Our team are ready to chat and work with you to find the best solution to your business needs. Contact us today and find out how Fresh Accounting can transform your business.