Syft Analytics

Over the years, Fresh Accounting has collaborated with many exciting and dynamic businesses across Asia by helping design, implement and execute digital strategies to move to cloud-based reporting solutions. As a Syft Analytics partner, we place Syft Analytics at the heart of our implementation projects.

Your trusted Syft Analytics Partner

Syft Analytics is an award-winning interactive and collaborative financial reporting tool used by accountants all around the world. From simple reports to complex forecasts, accountants, bookkeepers, and businesses use Syft to explore beautiful financial reports. With Syft, you can create dashboards, analyse KPIs, or consolidate unlimited entities. Syft constantly evolves to meet changing business needs while remaining committed to providing a great user experience.

Photo of Syft Analytics Partnership meeting.

What can Syft Analytics do for you, and who is it for?

From simple reports to complex consolidations, Syft is one tool for all your organization’s reporting and analytics needs. Accountants, bookkeepers, and business owners of all shapes and sizes use Syft to make better business decisions.

Get the full picture by connecting the software you use to Syft. From accounting tools to e-commerce software, ERPs and other apps, analyse all your data on a single platform.

Photo of two people using Syft Analytics.

Financial and Management Reporting made easy

Syft Analytics, with its powerful data analytics platform helps businesses analyse, visualize, and gain insights from their data. Syft offers advanced analytics tools, data visualization capabilities, and machine learning algorithms to help businesses make data-driven decisions. With Syft Analytics, businesses can uncover trends, patterns, and correlations in their data, leading to improved decision-making, operational efficiency, and business performance. Additionally, Syft Analytics can help businesses identify opportunities for growth, optimize processes, and mitigate risks.

Photo of three people using Syft Analytics management software.

Why use a trusted Syft Analytics Advisor?

A trusted Syft Analytics Advisor knows the software’s ins and outs, from simple reports to intricate forecasts, budgets, and benchmarks. With the help of your Advisor, you can make proactive business decisions, nip issues in the bud, and grow your revenue.

With your Syft Analytics Advisor you’ll go from analysing data to making better business decisions in no time.

Photo of Syft Analytics advisors.

Syft Analytics key features and benefits

  • Dashboards

    Build beautiful, interactive dashboards to track performance across financials, customers, products, and operations across single entities or consolidations. Customize dashboards according to your unique needs and share live links with stakeholders, staff, or your accountant.

  • Financial Reports

    Combine graphs, financials, and analytics into bespoke reports you can collaborate on in real-time. Choose between prebuilt templates or custom reports that are specific to your entity or group. Apply custom branding and translate reports into different languages. Preview everything before downloading to ensure you’re happy and schedule reports to send automatically.

  • Consolidations

    Seamlessly combine entities across multiple currencies and software providers, eliminate inter-company transactions, visualize, and report. With a neat, automated solution, you can save countless hours on consolidated reporting.

  • Scorecards

    Monitor the health status of your financials, sales, and data health. Set targets and work to achieve your business goals in record time.

  • Forecasting

    Create fully integrated driver-based forecasts and budget for the future. Manage your cash with the power of machine learning and AI-driven predictions of your future cash flows.

  • Analytics

    Drill down into the details of your sales information, benchmark against the industry, and generate business valuations with just a few clicks. Build out fully customized ledger reports to group and analyze transactions the way you want to.

  • Data review

    Clean up your data before you start reporting. Harness the power of machine learning to identify anomalies in your data, detect fraudulent activities, and clarify unclear transactions with stakeholders.

  • Spreadsheets

    Syft’s app for Microsoft Excel and Google Sheets makes the spreadsheets you know and love even more powerful. You can import budgets, forecasts, and transaction tags into Syft from Excel or export reports from Syft to Excel to customize them further.

  • Financial Statements

    Use the Financial Statements add-on to create fast, smart, and accurate financial statements. Save countless hours creating and validating disclosures and notes with a new era of automation.

Learn More About Syft Analytics

Speak with a Syft Analytics partner!

Say goodbye to paperwork, complex spreadsheets, time-consuming administrative jobs, and many other painful and tasks when running a business.

The critical part of this process is to understand what you do and what you want to do – from that, we will help you to save time and increase profits.

Our team are ready to chat and work with you to find the best solution to your business needs. Contact us today and find out how Fresh Accounting can transform your business.